Reflections on Reality — The best way to get an objective perspective on what it’s like to be “real” is to speak with someone who can look at reality from the “outside.” Mergel and Simon explore whether perhaps even real people are imaginary, some of the time.
Count Me In — In April 2010 the U.S. Government solved the unemployment problem by hiring a zillion census workers. They may not realize it, but for the first time in its history, the Census has counted at least one imaginary person (honestly)! NO – don’t ask them to start over! But after dutifully completing and submitting his own census form, Mergel received a follow-up phone call (again, really)! Read the complete telephone transcript.
2016 Presidential Campaign — In 2016 the country was faced with an agonizing choice — but Mergel came to the rescue with his own presidential campaign. For over four months, his mailing list fans were presented with a clear alternative. Collected here are Mergel’s speeches, his Meet the Press interview, his television debates, and all the rest of the hoopla. And on Election Day, Mergel achieved an upset victory, winning eleven write-in votes nationwide. … Now, don’t you wish you had exercised more imagination on Election Day?
Advisor to Presidents — A pictorial re-writing of American History, showing what really happened as a result of Funsky’s advice to various US Presidents.
Sergeant Funsky’s Lonely Hearts Club Band – The album cover, complete with dialogue that will test your memory of Beatle’s lyrics. How many can you recognize? Even more challenging, how many Ginnys and Simons can you find on the album?
The Funsky Economic Stimulus Plan — A stunned media and congress was dumbfounded when, at the height of the financial crisis in 2008, Mergel unveiled his simple, but all encompassing bailout plan.
Making a Great Impression — For one of Funsky’s most ambitious and elaborate works of art, Mergel collaborated with the French Impressionist Jean Beraud, working painstakingly over a period of 130 years, to produce a unique combination of the classic impressionistic style with 21st century imaginism. Certainly the epitome (if not the only example) of this complex duality, this extravagant tableau is accompanied by a side-by-side biography (courtesy of Wackypedia) displaying the amazing parallels between the lives of these two pioneering artists.
In a Pickle — A true story of the Aronson/Funsky family outing, to hear the first-ever lecture on the “History of the Pickle.” Mergel’s eyewitness report, complete with actual coverage by the Norwood Times Review.
Funsky Crossword Puzzle — Mergel’s first contest, in December 2009, tested your knowledge of Funsky Facts in a puzzle that rivaled the NY Times (comic section). Prizes have already been awarded, but you can still test yourself.
Funsky Poetry Contest — In October 2010 Mergel conducted his First Poetry Contest (with REAL prizes, as a concession to the handicap of reality his entrants were under). Here, the three top winning entries.
Nowhere to Go — In November 2010 Mergel went on a special cruise, on the brand new luxury liner Allure of the Seas. He brought Simon and Ginny, to carry his luggage. Here’s his detailed, fully illustrated travelogue.
Mergel’s Monster Mash — Halloween can be pretty scary, but Mergel is intrepid in facing monsters, vampires, lawyers, and other creepy creatures. Occasionally he brings along Ginny and Simon, to act as human victims. Here’s a nostalgic collection of some of Merg’s choice bits of “fright”.
Funsky on Chicago — When the City of Chicago competed to host the Olympics, Mayor Daley chose the best candidate as Chicago’s Ambassador. Here Mergel illustrates Chicago’s finest features, as only he views them.
Mad Men — In one of Mergel’s favorite TV shows, Merg decides he deserves a starring role. Heavily illustrated.
Billboards — Fresh from his encounter with Mad Men, Mergel becomes one himself (not very far to go). His first lesson in Marketing is “billboards” and here he runs his own extensive portfolio up the flag pole.
Lollapalooza — In 2009 the Funsky Trio gave a one-night-only performance you’ll never forget (or remember). Here’s a set of the souvenirs, pictures and reviews.
TIME Magazine Interview — Published in 2005, this was the public’s first introduction to Mergel’s world, conducted in honor of his being selected as Man of the Year.
Funsky on Art — Mergel’s first treatise, showing Chicago’s Art Institute (and the art world) the mistakes of past masters, and going the extra mile by correcting these classics. Contains a candid interview with Funsky on what makes his art great.
Funsky on Desktops — Want your own Funsky Wallpaper to grace your computer’s desktop? Over a dozen full-size Funsky pictures, each incorporating images of icons, dialogue boxes, recycle bins, and a host of other normal desktop features, in a way only Mergel could imagine.
Scoot — we’ve all seen the TV ads by the Scooter Store, offering to furnish the elderly with virtually “free” scooters or power chairs. So when Mergel chose to be 65, he called them (toll free!). Read the complete telephone transcript and see the “revised” Scooter Store website.
(now open to everyone!)
Mergel displays random selections of his artwork on Facebook. In fact, he’s drawn so many pictures (6 zillion, at last count) that Mergel has organized them into different albums . The following links to these various photo albums on Mergel Funsky’s Facebook page are all immediately available to his adoring public (and to you).
If you’re already a “Friend” of Mergel on Facebook, you could view them directly on Facebook; if you’re not yet his Friend, feel free to send him a friend request – he might say Yes (if you properly introduce yourself).
But if you don’t give a whit about Facebook, don’t despair! Because anyone (not just members of Facebook) can currently view each of these albums! – Facebook got so excited to have Mergel as their very first imaginary member, that they will let ANYONE (and especially you!) view the Funsky collection of priceless pictures. Just click on any (or all) of the links below, and it’s like going to an art museum! (If the links don’t work, blame Facebook).
And here’s a special Funsky tip, on the absolute best, easiest and quickest way to view each picture album: Once you open an album, try this:
(1) Click on any one of the thumbnail photos (which will enlarge it, so you can actually see it without a magnifying glass) and then
(2) locate the words “Previous / Next” at the upper right corner of that page. Now, by merely clicking on “Next” repeatedly, you can quickly scan through that entire album, each one in a decent, viewable size.
Mergel’s Request: please don’t run through the pictures too quickly, or else you’ll miss the little details Mergel often adds. Imagination is a respite from reality, and a leisurely pace helps you relax and enjoy. Just think of it as a jaunt through the Art Institute or MOMA, and give each piece of art the attention it deserves – keeping in mind that the Funsky Collection is rarer.
Classics (Ginny and Simon’s Favorites)
Nostalgia (almost as old as Simon)
Mergel’s Art Masterpieces (the way it should have been done)
Wall-E (one of Merg’s favorite imaginary friends)
Chef Funsky (food for the soul)
Funsky Construction and Remodeling
Mergel periodically tries to update his photo albums, but his gopher assistant Simon isn’t always very prompt.
Copyright 2017 Mergel Funsky